10x kids

Practical Guide for Parents of Kids with ADHD

By Dr Cláudio Filho

Book Code: 581790


Medicina Clínica, Família E Clínica Geral, Diagnóstico, Medical, Educação de Filhos, Science

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Having a child with ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder) causes many doubts and often suffering for parents. Many even deny their child's disorder and do not accept treatment. How nice it would be if your child with ADHD could have a life like other children. Imagine your child with ADHD being able to achieve successes you never imagined. The book "10x Kids" by Pediatrician Dr. Cláudio Filho, with nearly 20 years of professional experience, has been bringing hope to these situations. Simple solutions but if put into practice can make a lot of difference in your child's life. Tips that many experts forget or don't have time to pass on to parents. Believe me, your child deserves to be happy.


ISBN 978-65-266-0572-1
Number of pages 55
Edition 1 (2023)
Format Pocket (105x148)
Finishing Brochura s/ orelha
Colour Black & white
Paper type Offset 80g
Language English

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Dr Cláudio Filho

Medico pediatra com 20 de experiencia profissional, casado e com filhos na vida pessoal.

Dr claudio filho instagram: www.instagram.com/dr.claudio.filho/

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