Terms and Conditions

Author Freely, February 9, 2022

We believe everyone has a story to tell.

These stories originate from our experiences and ideals and are what make us human.

It is for this very reason that we have freedom of expression as one of our most sacred values.

Everyone should have a voice. Everyone should have their turn. Everyone should be able to tell and share their stories.

But we also understand that freedom does not survive without accountability.

It is for this reason that we have created a Terms of Service dictating the parameters and limits where we believe that freedom of expression goes beyond the boundaries of social, individual and collective responsibility.

All books are welcome to be published published Author Freely – except for those that violate the terms below.

  1. Plagiarism of any other literary work.
  2. Justification of crimes of any nature (including the one described in item three, which deserves a separate highlight)
  3. Induction or incitement to discrimination or prejudice based on race, gender, religion, sexual preference or national origin
  4. Propagation of "fake news", including the spread of fake news and the creation of theories that accuse persons, entities (public or private) or nations of whatever without proof or verification

We believe that freedom is a right, but we also believe that to maintain free speech, moderated expression and responsibility is paramount. In effort to manage this on our end, we will remove any and all works from our platform that fall within the above parameters.