Aromatherapy Arsenal

By Angela Fernandes

Book Code: 398814


Medicina Alternativa, Nature, Medical, Desenvolvimento Humano

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The basis of aromatherapy is in its utilization of naturally gathered

essential oils. These oils are commonly extracted from plant material

and additional compounds. The flower based oils are commonly for

powerfully aromatic users while the early sources of oils are

principally utilized for medicinal purposes. These oils are chiefly

extracted from flowers or delicate plant tissues which are already

known for their various properties. Get all the info you need here.


Number of pages 29
Edition 1 (2021)
Language English

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Angela Fernandes

Sou uma pessoa simples mas muito estudiosa ,que gosta de aprender,para ensinar outras pessoas sobre assuntos que geralmente são de difícil compreensão ,trago uma abordagem simples e de fácil entendimento,quero mostrar que é possível uma mulher, mãe,dona de casa ,esposa ,ser o que ela quiser sem medo ,e com muito orgulho .


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