Berta, the dreamy sheep

The friends and the cascade

By Creusa Marcondes

Book Code: 650982


Fantasia, Aventura, Nature, Juvenile fiction, Fiction

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The tale is about the adventure of a yellow sheep named Berta.

Berta grazed on a farm and had many animal friends.

She wanted to leave the farm to explore the cascade at the end of the road.

When Berta’s friends learned about her plan to leave the farm, they became concerned for the young Berta sheep.

Berta was always a dreamer; she knew that every dream has the right moment to come true.


ISBN 978-65-266-1682-6
Number of pages 23
Edition 1 (2024)
Format A4 (210x297)
Finishing Brochura s/ orelha
Colour Coloured
Paper type Estucado Mate 150g
Language English

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Creusa Marcondes

Brasileira, casada, mãe, aposentada e cristã.


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