New and Revolutionary Therapeutic Practices in the Field of Quantum Integrative Medicine    By Antonio Ricardo Nahas, I.M.D., D.N.M. and Ph.D.
This book is about the revolutionary therapeutic approaches that are emerging today, all based on the findings of Quantum Physics and Physics of the Scalar Fields. The revelation of the existence o...
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"How To Accomplish More In A Fraction Of The Time" Table Of Contents Foreword Chapter 1 Prioritizing Chapter2 Tips to Help You Prioritize Chapter 3 Beating Procrastination Chapter 4 Ti...
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Trésor du vieillard des Pyramides La chouette noire    By Inconnu(w.uriel)
Treasure of the old man from the Pyramids: the true science of talismans, to ward off spirits of all kinds, command them, get what they want from them and thwart their spells if necessary The black...
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How to Contact the 72 kabbalistic Angels From God    By Frater Eisenheim
With the help of holy angels and heavenly spirits, you will be able to grow and develop your full potential. You will discover the purpose of living, even taking the beatings that life usually give...
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Angelic Magic with the Kabbalistic Angel achaIAH    By Frater Eisenheim
In this book, Frater Eisenheim teaches how to evoke the achaIAH angel, this angel influences those born on 03/26, 06/07, 08/19, 10/31 and 01/12 and among the virtues he grants are the following: ...
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The Plant's Source of Manifestation    By Ana Cristina Prado
Faced with the establishment of the new Earth, expanding consciousness becomes an essential condition for those who remain here. In this context, Phytoconsciousness emerges, a tool channeled by the...
EBook Version AU$ 5. 28
This gland in our brain has an age-old secret, the connection between the physical body and the soul. It is through her that the main impulses of the soul pass and she interprets the spiritual worl...
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The Complete Work of Orunmila    By C.Osamaro Ibie
This work was embarked upon at the instance of orunmila, who expressed undisguised anxiety for his followers to know more about him. The works revealed in these books are not just fairy tales contr...
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As E.E.Cummings once said "Exists no miracle mightier than this: to feel". I feel, you feel, we feel. Some feelings are good others not, but how would we recognize a good feeling without the bad on...
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Este livro trata do nosso cosmo físico, mas de uma perspectiva filosófica. Neste sentido, consideramos o cosmo físico do ponto de vista da metafísica.
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Este livro trata da questão da evolução humana, da perspectiva espiritual e filosófica.
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O livro Criação e evolução cosmológica trata de questão da criação divina e da ideia materialista da origem, gênese e evolução do Universo. No livro apresentamos a teoria do "esquema programático r...
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It Is Natural to Feel Anxious    By Dani Carazzato
Introduction It Is Natural to Feel Anxious There’s a good chance that we’ve all experienced feelings of anxiety in response to real or perceived threats at...
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O livro trata a questão do machismo e do feminismo.
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Healthy, Earth-friendly, & Delicious    By Gustavo Salvador
Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its numerous health benefits and positive impact on the environment. "Vegetarianism: Healthy, Earth-frien...
EBook Version AU$ 4. 12
How to Use This Book Although this is structured like a basic recipe book, and indeed you can look up any recipe and make it just like a cookbook, this is also far more than a simple collection of...
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The various forms of epilepsy and their treatments    By Inaury Díaz Di Medero
ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS Learn about various types of alternative therapies being studied and applied around the world.
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Tiрѕ in CrossFit Trаining    By Karllo Mell
"Nutrition for CrossFit Participants: Maximizing Your Performance and Results" is a comprehensive guide that offers practical, scientifically based guidance on how to optimize nutrition for CrossFi...
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Planet of flowers The stranger in Forex The famous Tavern Luz de Miel    By luz de miel
The stranger in Forex. Strange thing is being looked at as a foreigner even in the homeland. The famous Tavern. Dedicated to all the women. ♦Selva Belfior, nicknamedSelvabelorSelvabê...
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Spiritual Resolutions Basics    By Daniele Carazzato
With regards to resolutions, particularly failed resolutions, most people get caught up in the past mistakes and failures so much that they spiritually paralyze themselves. You have to keep in mind...
EBook Version AU$ 6. 15
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