Workbook    By Márcia Cristine Agustini
Curso de inglês completo com foco na conversação.
Print version AU$ 47. 07
basic and intermediate    By Viviane Ap. de Lima Maschietto
Pratique a língua inglesa com os 50 exercícios selecionados práticos de autores renomados no ensino de uma nova linguagem.
Print version AU$ 17. 02 | EBook Version AU$ 6. 15
Intensive    By Márcia Agustini
Curso de inglês dinâmico, rápido e divertido. Aprenda através da comunicação imediata, games e aulas invertidas - o aluno aprende a guiar seu próprio estudo.
Print version AU$ 72. 77
The book addresses the meaning and evils of “discrimination” and “preconception”., citing examples of attitudes and behaviors that represent discrimination and preconception against someone, belitt...
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THE HISTORY AND MEANING OF THIS BOOK This book was born from a moment of nausea, existential chaos, in which every thinking being, sooner or later, tends to pass and where all our values are p...
Print version AU$ 28. 77
The present English textbook is in accordance with the theoretical development of Suggestopedic teaching and its newest development, Desuggestopedia The book reflects the theory of Suggestopedia...
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New Edition    By Paulo Sergio Santos Negrete
Welcome to Suggestopedia and the New developments of Neuroscience This wonderful method, which has its origins in the science of Suggestology, accelerates the learning process up to 10 times m...
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Sc. Sec. di II Grado - Classe III - Vol único    By Scienze Naturali
A compilation of scientific texts.
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Sc. Sec. di II Grado - Classe I - Vol 2    By Scienze Naturali
A compilation of scientific texts.
Print version AU$ 43. 40 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 24
Desenvolvido com palavras fáceis de pronunciar e usadas no dia a dia da criança, trazendo os seguintes temas: -Feelings -Family members -School objects -Clothes -Toys -City spots -Sp...
EBook Version AU$ 4. 70
Teacher Book    By Márcia Cristine Agustini
Ensino de inglês dinâmico através da jogos e atividades engajantes. Curso de inglês intensivo para alunos que buscam dinamismo e entretenimento na medida em que caminham em direção a fluência. Co...
Print version AU$ 83. 09
Learn Real Arabic    By Mohamed Elshenawy
Arabic is a difficult language to learn because of its many obscure grammatical rules, which are fairly easy to mess up--even for native speakers. While it’s easy for non-native speakers to get ove...
EBook Version AU$ 32. 32
Step by step    By Elza Lima
Este livro contêm um total de trinta e seis exercícios, complementando assim o livro Básico completo de Inglês passo a passo para iniciantes.
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The history of space colonization    By Jonathan Cardoso
First, men travelled in their own imagination, driven by their intelligence, which was fuelled by their myths. Who has never heard the myth of Icarus, the first man to fly? In fact, since the begin...
EBook Version AU$ 3. 53
Conduzindo você em estudos do nível intermediário ao pré-avançado em inglês.    By William McPower
Este livro foi elaborado com o intuito de promover a aquisição balanceada de vocabulário, estrutura gramatical e desenvolvimento da fluência verbal. Para facilitar a assimila...
Print version AU$ 102. 61 | EBook Version AU$ 35. 22
Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize industries by streamlining content creation, improving quality, and enabling new possibilities. While it offers tremendous benefits, it's essential ...
EBook Version AU$ 11. 81
Iniciação Instrumental    By Rosa Maria Rüegger
Venha aprender e apreender o básico e o instrumental na Língua Inglesa. Neste livro vamos obter teoria e exercícios sobre o inglês básico e alguns termos na parte técnica de variadas áreas. Ven...
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Livro que aborda como a produção cultural dos afro-americanos pode servir no ensino de língua inglesa para combater o preconceito linguístico e mostrar que há variantes da língua inglesa faladas no...
Print version AU$ 33. 14 | EBook Version AU$ 7. 61
Welcome to the book "Application of 5S in Beverage Industry Company". In this book, we will explore a powerful and highly effective method of business improvement that has the potential to transfor...
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Cultivation Guide For Garden Beds And Pots    By Márcio Pereira
Guide Ebook that teaches how to plant Organic Onion. Develops advanced technical knowledge in an easy way for everyone, even if the reader is in their first contact with the subject, will be able t...
EBook Version AU$ 10. 61
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