An Argive historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Mantinea was an important battle in the Peloponnese War. It occurred in 418 BC between Sparta and its allies on the one hand, and an army led by Argos (the Argivos) and Athens on the other. In the ...
EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
A Spartan historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Arginusae Naval Battle took place in 406 BC during the Peloponnesian War, east of the island of Lesbos. In battle, an Athenian fleet commanded by eight strategos defeated a Spartan fleet under ...
EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
A Carthaginian historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Battle of Ecnomus occurred in front of the cape of the same name (currently called Poggio di Sant'Angelo, Sicily). It ended in a victory of Rome. Due to the number of ships and crew employed, t...
EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
Operation Badr was the code name for the Egyptian military operation to cross the Suez Canal and take the Israeli fortifications of the Bar Lev Line on October 6, 1973. Sadat was politically pressu...
EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
It was a major battle in which the US Marine Corps and Navy landed and finally captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA) during World War II. As there was the possibilit...
EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
O livro trata da medicina espiritual por meio da aplicação de passes e imposição de mãos.
Print version AU$ 87. 37
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The War of the Spanish Succession, fought from July 1701 to September 1714, and triggered by the November 1700 death of Charles II of Spain, was a conflict for control of the Spanish Empire between...
Print version AU$ 12. 17 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The War of the Spanish Succession, fought from July 1701 to September 1714, and triggered by the November 1700 death of Charles II of Spain, was a conflict for control of the Spanish Empire between...
EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The War of the Austrian Succession was a European conflict that took place between 1740 and 1748 and was fought primarily in Central Europe, the Austrian Netherlands, Italy, the Atlantic, and the M...
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A historical simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The Silesian Wars were three conflicts fought in the mid-18th century between Prussia (under King Frederick "the Great") and Habsburg Austria (under Archduchess Maria Theresa) for control of the Si...
EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
(English Version)    By Marco Paulo Silva
... What appeared to be a mere bicycle ride, with a picnic at the mountain viewpoint, has become an unveiling of mysteries surrounding the human, immanence and transcendence. Irus, became the cho...
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Influences from the Labor Market    By Alessandro Augusto Pereira
“The Implementation of an Effective and Sustainable Academic Model” is Alessandro Augusto Pereira's acclaimed dissertation, carried out as part of the MBA in Business Management at USP ESALQ, which...
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The Ancient Chinese Art of Fighting, Healing, Living    By Master Cai Wen Yu
The training of LaoQiGong allows to identify, on a sensory level, the Qi - energetic wire which is common to all manifested life, binding factor that unifies the complex diversity of the world. It ...
Print version AU$ 145. 74
Assessment of changes in consumer behavior due to technology advancements    By Luiz Valério de Paula Trindade
The main objective of the present study is to investigate and understand the possible relationship between technology advancements and changes in consumer behavior. The secondary objective is to ad...
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MInutes    By Luz de Miel
Message one. I'm retiring from the professional stage of my life. I have always earned my living by dancing and teaching to dance. On the dance side, I dedicated myself to writing my thoughts and ...
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A Russian Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The scenario of the wargame that will be used will allow to reinforce four important factors for the success of the campaign, which certainly would have been thought and executed to face the German...
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A Russian Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
The scenario of the wargame that will be used will not allow association with the Russian Northwest Front (Prussia), meeting our study, because what will be trying to prove is that despite a mistak...
Print version AU$ 13. 95 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
An Ionian Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In the simulation, the tactical maneuver will have three phases, the first being already done, the approach; the second, ongoing, the maneuver phase, when the Periplos (double overflowing) will be ...
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A Persian Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In the simulation, it will be considered whether it would have been possible for the Persians, at least, to obtain a "Pyrrhic victory" over the Macedonians, forcing Alexander to rethink or postpone...
Print version AU$ 12. 15 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
A Hindu Historical Simulation    By André Geraque Kiffer
In the simulation, the hypothesis of what would have been the result if the Hindus had explored the strength of their organizational structure - balanced formations relying on mutual support betwee...
Print version AU$ 11. 50 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
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