comparative perspectives.    By Sérgio Carrera
The diversity of police institutions worldwide has always caught my attention due to the very important work they perform for the good of society. However, in a way, I was also incited about why th...
Print version AU$ 25. 53
Bishop's Tactics to Conquer, Win and Dominate    By Carujo
The Author offers this book, dangerous and confidential, to his most loyal and daring friends in their obsessive quest for dominance. The coveted power is obtained by any means. The application of...
Print version AU$ 39. 98 | EBook Version AU$ 5. 42
The exchange of the message of the cross for power.    By Marcos Pontal
We have never lived in a time when leaders of Protestant Christian churches in Brazil talk so much about politics in pulpits, many claim that they are losing their freedom and exchange the messag...
Print version AU$ 17. 57 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
Journalistic Chronicles    By Cláudio Cezar Freitas Silva
This work is the compilation of a series of chronicles published in newspapers, blogs, digital and print media, which translates the line of thought of the author, on various topics of social and...
EBook Version AU$ 15. 45
The Philosophy Of Chaos monitored, by Celio Azevedo, resides in the abstraction of the incisive theory of nihilism in the eyes of the 21st century. The work brings together a diverse vision of the ...
Print version AU$ 1, 080. 42 | EBook Version AU$ 4. 70
This book explores the intricate architecture of democratic governance through the lens of a Proportional, Integral, Derivative (PID) control system. By analyzing the roles of the Executive, Judici...
Print version AU$ 140. 25
Em 2023, a República de Belarus se candidatou a uma vaga no Conselho de Segurança da ONU. 22 dias antes da reunião do Conselho para votação, o Ministério das Relações Exteriores de Belarus começou ...
Print version AU$ 30. 33 | EBook Version AU$ 6. 15
estrangeirismos; expressões Latinas; chat acrônimos; expressões diplomáticas e das Nações Unidas, glossário dos mercados -minerais preciosos, e muito mais.
Print version AU$ 1, 080. 42 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 24
Learn how the dispute for power and money might be behind the systematic concealment of cases involving UFOs. Hiding from the public every occurrence involving UFOs has been a constant practice ...
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This book reveals all the plans of the system in which we live today, from history to biology, from geopolitics to philosophy, from the 5G to the fourth industrial revolution, all filtered through ...
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The Prince is a 16th-century political treatise by the Italian diplomat and political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli. From correspondence a version appears to have been distributed in 1513, using a L...
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Politicians trapped in the ultimate hell    By Denivaldo Ribeiro Veloso
The book "Tail stuck" reveals the current legal and political scenario in Brazil. The increasingly latent judicial activism, which enslaves parliamentarians who have been involved in corruption sch...
Print version AU$ 112. 15 | EBook Version AU$ 20. 69
and the International Labour Organization Convention 169    By Paulo de Bessa Antunes
This work aims to research the judicial regime of the Constitutional Courts of South America, particularly the case law that is applicable to indigenous and tribal peoples concerning the procedure ...
Print version AU$ 17. 84
Booklet one    By André Geraque Kiffer
As a result of a dedicated study of Military History for more than 40 years, I present to the reader a consolidation of my Principles of War, my Operational Systems and my Fundamentals for Leadersh...
Print version AU$ 10. 03 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 54
Celio Azevedo is a graduate journalist and philosopher, postgraduate professor and author, with MBA in Business Management from UCAM and MBA in Executive Marketing from UGF, registration number MTb...
Print version AU$ 22. 06 | EBook Version AU$ 5. 28
Practical guide    By Paula Cristina Almeida Marques
This book analyses the transformations in hospital administration, highlighting the transition to New Public Management and its implications for healthcare management. It explores innovative strate...
Print version AU$ 999. 00 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 00
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