This booklet comes as a blueprint on how to briefly and effectively address passengers and cabin crew through out the flight. The examples presented in this material may not cover all thinkable sit...
Print version AU$ 19. 67
Commercial aviation in Brazil has been facing great changes in the past years, from the regulatory point of view to a competition perspective, given the increase in demand, revision of past legisla...
Print version AU$ 1, 080. 42 | EBook Version AU$ 20. 69
Conflict between pedestrians and vehicles on the 25 de Março Street in São Paulo    By Leonardo Ferreira da Silva
This book is the result of an adaptation of the author's undergraduate work at the Faculty of Technology in Land Transport, associated with some reflections and concerns of a human being who apprec...
Print version AU$ 24. 40 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 27
Volume 3    By Sergio Goncalves
Volume 3 of the 727 Encyclopedia is about one of the most famous and important airplanes in history and Boeing's first bestseller, best-selling commercial jetliner for over two decades. The Boeing ...
Print version AU$ 1, 080. 42
Volume 2    By Sérgio Gonçalves
Volume 2 of the Encyclopedia 727 about one of the most famous and important airplanes in history, and Boeing's first bestseller, best-selling commercial jet for more than two decades. The Boeing 72...
Print version AU$ 1, 080. 42