Financial Environmental Management

The Secret to Business Growth

By Kellen Freitas Osório

Book Code: 323897


Business & economics, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS

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Há uma mudança acelerada em busca de desenvolvimento, tecnologias e novos modelos de gestão empresarial. É necessário saber que a gestão ambiental deve participar desta mudança e que ela pode acrescentar mais do que se espera.

Gestão Ambiental Financeira é amplo e esclarecedor em orientações de procedimentos positivos pertinentes ao tema. Inclusive sugere investimentos financeiros a fim do melhor gestionamento ambiental brasileiro e mundial.

Rossyr Berny

Editor, escritor, poeta

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There is an accelerated shift towards development, technologies, and new business management models. It is necessary to know that environmental management must participate in this change and that it can add more than expected.

Financial Environmental Management is broad and enlightening in positive procedure guidelines relevant to the topic. It even suggests financial investments in order to improve the Brazilian and world environmental management.

Rossyr Berny

Publisher, writer, poet


Number of pages 88
Edition 1 (2020)
Language English

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