House Palmer - Lycopolis

Book One

By Simone Lore & Lud Mills

Book Code: 199548


Ficção e Romance, Literatura Nacional

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In a future where having power means keeping secrets, sometimes it's needed be receptive to keep one’s position in society. In the worst possible moment, the House that keeps the most secrets opened its doors to the powerful. Their enemies were among them, and an old shadow hangs over House Palmer. Its Master must prove he’s capable of protecting his domain and keeping the status quo.


Number of pages 262
Edition 1 (2015)
Format A5 (148x210)
Finishing Brochura c/ orelha
Colour Black & white
Paper type Offset 80g
Language English

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Simone Lore & Lud Mills

Sempre ouviu que tinha o dom de “verbalizar as coisas”, e percebeu que quando verbalizava conseguia provocar algum sentimento nas pessoas. Viciou-se nos sentimentos humanos, decidindo que queria viver disso: de fazer as pessoas sentirem.


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