New indigenous & ketogenic recipes

By Isaac

Book Code: 539363


Vida Saudável, Pratos, Nutrição, Health & fitness, Nature, Cooking

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Hello welcome! In this volume we brought ancestral recipes that gave rise to many dishes of our daily life. focused on indigenous South America, precisely in Brazil, we brought millennial recipes, many unknown, and which are a inexhaustible source of ideas. This vol. 1 features 103 pages of delicious recipes in a fun and dynamic format, simpler and easier to prepare.

Many studies relate the importance of a healthy diet to health, as it can prevent the development of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, cancer, etc.

In other words, a balanced diet allows our body, on the one hand, to function normally and cover our basic physiological needs, and, on the other hand, it reduces the chances of suffering from diseases in the short and long term.


Number of pages 1
Edition 1 (2023)
Language English

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Isaac mazzonetto nasceu em 1980, em Guarulhos, grande São Paulo onde reside. Estudou Adm. e executou diversos trabalhos porém, há cerca de dez anos teve sua vida transformada após um encontro com Deus através dos espíritos de luz, os quais lhe ensinaram, e ainda ensinam, a ajudar as pessoas através de sua mediunidade. Tornou-se médium kardecista ostensivo nos campos da clarividência, transcrição de mensagens, cura por intermédio de passes, presencial e a distância.

Isaac mazzonetto was born in 1980, in Guarulhos, greater São Paulo, where he lives. Studied Adm. and performed several works, however, about ten years ago, his life was transformed after an encounter with God through the spirits of light, who taught him, and still teach, to help people through their mediumship. He became an ostensive Kardecist medium in the fields of clairvoyance, transcription of messages, healing through passes, in person and at a distance.

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