By Fédor Dostoievski

Book Code: 412437


Letras, Literary collections, Ficção e Romance

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White nights by Fédor Dostoyevsky translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett in 1918, is a work in the public domain

Editing and graphic design for ebook by Cigana Publicações, 2023

White Nights is the work of the Russian Dostoyevsky that brings him closest to literary romanticism, it was written in 1848, before his arrest and his so-called conversion to orthodox Catholicism, as put by some theorists of his life.

As the central character of White Nights is a dreamer who falls in love in St. Petersburg. This nameless character wanders wandering through the "white night" of the cold Russian city.

The phenomenon "White Night" refers to a climatic condition in Europe in which, even when the sun goes down, the nights remain clear, as if creating an atmosphere of magic and dreams, giving the sensation of being "daydreaming". Thus, it seems that the phenomenon seems to have given the inspiration for the author's text.

Dostoyevsky wrote other important works and White Nights is not his main work, but it is not an irrelevant production. His curriculum, besides the novels has the titles: Poor People, The Double, The Landlady, Netochka Nezvanova, Village of Stiepantchikov and its Inhabitants, Humiliated and Offended, Memories from the House of the Dead, Notes from the Underground, Crime and Punishment, The Player, The Idiot, The Eternal Husband, The Demons, The Adolescent, The Brothers Karamazov and The Prince's Dream.


Number of pages 127
Edition 1 (2023)
Language English

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Fédor Dostoievski

A Mágico Publicações produz e publica materiais de outros escritores e de conteúdo diversificado de interesse humano em geral, tanto quanto a Cigana Publicações são marcas criadas pelo escritor e artista plástico John Land para a A editoração independente de clássicos de Domínio Publico ou materiais Private Label Rights possuem espaço especial com cuidado na formatação e respeito ao direito moral do autor.

A produção autoral dos escritores não necessariamente reflete o pensamento dos editores da Cigana Publicações ou da Mágico Publicações.

A maior parte das obras são de exercícios literários independentes, de caráter holístico, eclético envolvendo temas variado de John Carth.

As edições não fazem acepção ou preconcepção dos materiais trabalhados e disponibilizados, assim, há variedade de estudos da literatura clássica, moderna, assuntos místicos-religiosos de interesse Espírita, Espiritualista, Cristão e Esoterísmo.

Há o desapegar da rigidez de pensamento e de uma única visão de mundo.

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