"Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen

By Jane Austen

Book Code: 609780


Romance, Clássicos, Literary collections, Ficção e Romance, Fiction

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"Sense and Sensibility" is a novel by Jane Austen that follows the lives of the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne, as they navigate the challenges of love and societal expectations in early 19th-century England. The novel explores the stark differences in the sisters' personalities and their respective approaches to life.

Elinor, the older sister, embodies "sense" and is characterized by her rationality, prudence, and self-control. Marianne, the younger sister, represents "sensibility" and is characterized by her passionate and emotional nature. The story follows their romantic pursuits and how they handle love, heartbreak, and social norms.

"Sense and Sensibility" is a novel that delves into themes of love, class, and personal virtue. It offers a nuanced portrayal of the challenges faced by women of the time and highlights the importance of finding a balance between reason and emotion. Like Austen's other works, it provides a satirical and insightful commentary on the social manners and customs of the Regency era in England.


Number of pages 0
Edition 1 (2023)
Language English

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Contact the author

Jamila Mafra Sena de Santana

Jamila Mafra é advogada, Especialista em Ensino de Astronomia, Geografia Geral, Língua Portuguesa e Docência no Ensino Superior, Professora de Geografia, editora e escritora.

A autora escreve romances, contos, ficção científica e poesias. Além de publicar suas obras através da Mafra Editions, também participa ativamente de antologias diversas lançadas por outras editoras.

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