Sixteen Great Poems of Ifá

By Wande Abimbola

Book Code: 525624


Ocultismo, Espiritualidade, Adivinhação, Juvenile nonfiction, Body, mind & spirit, Ciências da Religião

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Sixteen Great Poems of Ifá is a book that provides knowledge on sixteen long poems from the Ifá literary corpus that serve as the most important genres of Yorùbá oral tradition. The work is a meticulous effort of the author to preserve, publicize and promote the outstanding ingredients of Yorùbá culture. The Yorùbá people consider Ifá as the great authority on mythology, history and philosophy, and indeed an unwritten textbook of Yorùbá culture hence, this book is presented in Yorùbá language with English translation and sufficient annotation for easy understanding. Adequate information on Ifá cult, its paraphernalia of divination, interpretation for each poem as supplied by the Ifá priests from whom the poems are gathered are provided to augment the knowledge of the reader about each poem.


ISBN 9781716103131
Number of pages 482
Edition 1 (2022)
Format 16x23 (160x230)
Finishing Brochura s/ orelha
Colour Black & white
Paper type Offset 90g
Language English

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Edições Oséètùrá

Oséètùrá é uma editora especializada em práticas religiosas africanas e afro-brasileira com publicações em diversos idiomas.


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