Comparative analysis of Bolsonarism with the totalitarianisms of the 20th century

By Raul G. M. Silva

Book Code: 527118


Partidos Políticos, Estado, Província & Governo Local, Eleições, Education, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS, Political science

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The Construction of the Enemy is a book that aims to make a comparative analysis between Bolsonarism and the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century, such as Nazism and Fascism. To do so, different themes are addressed throughout its chapters, such as the origins and characteristics of authoritarian regimes of the past and their influence on Bolsonarism, the spread of hate speech as a tool for political control and manipulation, neoliberal economics and its connections to Fascism, advertising strategies and media control, and political polarization in Brazil.<br><br>The work also devotes special attention to the role of justice in the fight against authoritarianism, analyzing the relationship of the Brazilian judiciary with Bolsonarism and how it can be one of the main tools to combat the advance of authoritarianism in the country.<br><br>In addition to analyzing the phenomenon of Bolsonarism, The Construction of the Enemy also seeks to present a critical view of the origins and characteristics of the authoritarian regimes of the 20th century and how their ideologies and practices influence the current political scene. Throughout the chapters, the reader will have the opportunity to learn in detail about the advertising strategies and media control used by past totalitarian regimes and how they resemble the practices adopted by Bolsonarism.<br><br>The book also presents an in-depth analysis of neoliberal economics and its connections to Fascism, demonstrating how the economic policies adopted by the Bolsonaro government have contributed to the weakening of democracy and freedom.<br><br>The aim of the work is to bring a critical reflection on the current moment in Brazil, seeking to understand the similarities and differences with the totalitarian regimes of the past, as well as to point out ways to confront the threats to democracy and freedom. At the end of the reading, it is hoped that the reader can understand the complexity of the phenomenon of Bolsonarism and its implications for Brazilian society, contributing to public debate and the defense of democracy.<br>In summary, The Construction of the Enemy brings a reflection on the role of political polarization in Brazil and its relation to Bolsonarism, as well as presenting proposals to face the challenges imposed by the current political situation. In short, this book is an essential work for all those who seek to understand the complexities of the current political scene and fight for the defense of democracy and freedom.


ISBN 9798378973859
Number of pages 182
Edition 1 (2023)
Format A5 (148x210)
Finishing Brochura c/ orelha
Colour Black & white
Paper type Ahuesado 80g
Language English

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Raul G. M. Silva

Natural de Arcoverde Pernambuco, Raul G. M. Silva sempre adorou ler, fã de ficção fantástica passou a adolescência lendo autores com Tolkien, Lewis e Rowling. Seus pais sempre o incentivaram a ler, principalmente sua mãe, que é professora. Por essa razão a casa da família sempre foi cheia de livros e um ambiente propicio a prática da leitura.

Aos 12 anos Raul começou a se interessar pela escrita e começou a escrever seus primeiros contos, muitos dos quais acabaram por influenciar seus livros no futuro. Porém foi ao começar o primeiro ano do ensino médio que a ideia para A Lenda dos Cinco Povos surgiu e no inicio de 2007 ele começou a escrever o primeiro livro intitulado a Terra de Almar, que levou quase sete anos para ser finalizado.

Atualmente ele mora em Arcoverde, com os pais e a irmã e estuda na Autarquia de Ensino Superior de Arcoverde, onde é aluno do curso de Letras. Também é colaborador do site junto com mais três amigos fanáticos por livros e está escrevendo a continuação de a Terra de Almar, que ainda está sem previsão para ser terminado.




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