The devil that hides behind the tongue

The impact of bad words on your physical and mental health.

By Paulo Minosso

Book Code: 704672


Saúde Mental, Espiritualidade, Doenças, Depressão, Cura, Oração, Body, mind & spirit, Ciências da Religião, Batalha Espiritual

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This book explores how words shape realities, affect emotions, and transform relationships. Since ancient times, language has been seen as a powerful tool that not only reflects but also constructs reality.

Encouraging words can lift the spirit, while destructive criticism can cause discouragement.

Studies show that communication directly affects our mental and emotional health. Furthermore, the way we express ourselves has a profound impact on our interpersonal relationships.

The conscious use of words is essential to promote positive changes and strengthen meaningful connections. Recognizing the power of words is the first step towards a fuller and more harmonious life. ✨


Number of pages 119
Edition 1 (2024)
Format A5 (148x210)
Finishing Brochura c/ orelha
Paper type Estucado Mate 90g
Language English

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Paulo Minosso

Paulo Minosso é cristão, empresário, escritor, formado em Filosofia, Jornalismo, Direito e pós-graduado em Gestão e Inspeção.


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