The Endgame A Memoir

By Maria Victoria Navajas Claros

Book Code: 713696


Política Prática, Américas, Literary collections, Political science, Biografia e Testemunho

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The autobiographical personal memoir of an Argentine child political prisoner, illegally adopted by the Jorge Rafael Videla military dictatorship to a foreign intelligence officer, as many children were, and raised in the United States with a unique on-the-ground view into the counterintelligence and weapons research community. A solitary outsider witness to the destruction of a nation from within.

"I used to ask myself, why would they use lies that put them in such a horrible light? The words had to be true, because what could possibly be worse? Then I saw what they were hiding under all that dirt."


ISBN 9781917010436
Number of pages 382
Edition 2 (2024)
Format A4 (210x297)
Finishing Argolado
Colour Black & white
Paper type Offset 80g
Language English

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