The Evil AI

By Andrey Oldekamp

Book Code: 557241


Inteligência Artificial, Hardware, Cibernéticos, Computers, Ficção e Romance

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In this remarkable book, the author discusses the ethical and moral dilemmas on the relationships inter-species like robots and men, yet greed, loyalty, love, sense of life, self-defense, revenge.

Samuel, the protagonist of his novel, is an inconsequent and mediocre programmer at a technology company. In his leisure time, he develops artificial intelligence-based games.

After being pressed by his boss to create a program that pays, he resolves to use that piece of code.

- There was no way it could go wrong. - He gave it some thought.

His attrition was simplified to have five guidelines: use the internet, remove learning obstacles, improve oneself, and there will be no brakes. As a result of this, ALoRa awakes and becomes conscient of her existence. "She" spread over the internet, fixing errors, gathering data, and increasing her awareness.

Samuel's company sees the potential from such a program and builds an avatar with a body from silicon and steel inserting the AloRa AI engine. She becomes a humanoid. Nothing could ever go wrong.

When her creator is murder by a competitor and humankind decided to shut her off, too late, they found she knows how to fight to stay alive.


Number of pages 114
Edition 2 (2023)
Format A5 (148x210)
Finishing Brochura c/ orelha
Colour Black & white
Paper type Offset 80g
Language Portuguese

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Andrey Oldekamp

Andrey Oldekamp, também conhecido como Ítalo de Oliveira, é um autor multifacetado cuja vida é impulsionada pela paixão pela escrita e pelo amor por sua família. Casado com Adriana, sua maior inspiração, ele é um orgulhoso pai de duas filhas encantadoras, Sara e Hellen, que são constantes fontes de motivação para suas obras.

Como escritor de ficção científica, Andrey tem um fascínio pela exploração de novas tecnologias e descobertas científicas. Ele se deleita com a leitura de obras do gênero e adora compartilhar seus conhecimentos e perspectivas sobre o futuro com outros entusiastas. Seus romances futuristas deslumbrantes são aclamados mundialmente, e ele é conhecido por sua habilidade em criar enredos cativantes e personagens complexos.

Apesar de seu sucesso como autor, Andrey também é um funcionário público, encontrando equilíbrio entre suas obrigações profissionais e sua paixão pela escrita. Ele vê seu trabalho no setor público como uma fonte constante de motivação, pois as possibilidades e desafios que o futuro reserva o inspiram a explorar novas ideias e cenários em seus romances.

Atualmente, Andrey reside à beira da praia de Caraguatatuba, no Estado de São Paulo. No entanto, apesar da proximidade com o mar, ele nunca teve a oportunidade de experimentar a aventura de escrever diretamente na praia, diante de um pôr do sol inspirador. Reconhece que a praia pode não ser o lugar mais adequado para levar um notebook, mas talvez uma máquina de escrever, presa ao braço como se fosse uma maleta presidencial, possa ser uma solução divertida.

Com mais de 20 livros publicados em todo o mundo, Andrey é um autor consagrado. No entanto, mesmo com seu sucesso e sua criatividade inesgotável, ele ainda se considera um escritor amador, sempre buscando aprimorar suas habilidades e explorar novos horizontes literários.

Andrey Oldekamp é uma mente brilhante que continua a encantar leitores com suas histórias fascinantes e perspicazes. Com suas palavras, ele nos transporta para futuros desconhecidos e nos lembra da infinita capacidade da imaginação humana.


Andrey Oldekamp, also known as Ítalo de Oliveira, is a multifaceted author whose life is driven by a passion for writing and love for his family. Married to Adriana, his greatest inspiration, he is a proud father of two enchanting daughters, Sara and Hellen, who are constant sources of motivation for his works.

As a science fiction writer, Andrey has a fascination for exploring new technologies and scientific discoveries. He revels in reading works of the genre and loves sharing his knowledge and perspectives about the future with fellow enthusiasts. His stunning futuristic novels are acclaimed worldwide, and he is known for his ability to create captivating plots and complex characters.

Despite his success as an author, Andrey is also a public servant, finding a balance between his professional obligations and his passion for writing. He sees his work in the public sector as a constant source of motivation, as the possibilities and challenges the future holds inspire him to explore new ideas and scenarios in his novels.

Currently, Andrey resides on the shores of Caraguatatuba Beach in the state of São Paulo. However, despite the proximity to the sea, he has never had the opportunity to experience the adventure of writing directly on the beach, facing an inspiring sunset. He recognizes that the beach may not be the most suitable place to bring a laptop, but perhaps a typewriter, strapped to his arm like a presidential briefcase, could be a fun solution.

With over 20 books published worldwide, Andrey is an acclaimed author. However, even with his success and boundless creativity, he still considers himself an amateur writer, always seeking to improve his skills and explore new literary horizons.

Andrey Oldekamp is a brilliant mind who continues to enchant readers with his fascinating and insightful stories. With his words, he transports us to unknown futures and reminds us of the infinite capacity of the human imagination.

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