The romanesque space

topoanalysis and geographicity

By Jamescley Almeida de Souza

Book Code: 359853


Romance, Literatura Nacional, Fiction, Literary criticism

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This is a book of great interest for all scholars of space in Literature and for all geographers who wish to see the geographical reality through literary texts. Anchored in the interdisciplinarity between Topoanalysis and Cultural/Humanistic Geography, it is part of the great awakening that studies on the literary space have been the target of in the last decades, especially by geographers who seek a clearer, more intense, expressive and existential form of literary language to describe places and to communicate aspects of the human condition. It is not all: the adepts of literary studies can find in this dialogue a stimulating source of concepts that can be mined in Geography and used in their approaches to space in Literature.


Number of pages 531
Edition 1 (2021)
Format A5 (148x210)
Finishing Brochura c/ orelha
Colour Black & white
Paper type Offset 80g
Language English

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Jamescley Almeida de Souza

Doutor em Sociedade e Cultura na Amazônia e Mestre em Letras (Estudos Literários).


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