The Value of ME

By Ítalo Oliveira & Allan de Carvalho

Book Code: 531098


Metas E Objetivos, Desenvolvimento Profissional, Ficção e Romance, Desenvolvimento Humano

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This story is about a self-help book that teaches readers to recognize life's opportunities, invest in the right things, value time, improve their image, sell their talents, and become successful using their natural abilities. The story introduces a mysterious figure who appears when a person is at their lowest point, offering to help by having them sign a contract that binds them to follow his every instruction. This figure becomes a coach to those who sign the contract and teaches them how to transform their broken lives into victorious ones.

One of the main characters, Adoniran, is a man who is at rock bottom and lives with a delicate woman in poor conditions. Another character, Bhairavi, is an Indian widow who works in a fabric factory and has three children, one of whom is 15 years old. The coach also works with a Spanish young man named Miguel, who has resorted to stealing and lying to survive after losing his mother at a young age.

Despite the mysterious coach's ability to transform the lives of those who sign his contract, none of them can remember his name after hearing it. Following his instructions, they all become successful and eventually discover the coach's true identity.


Number of pages 169
Edition 1 (2023)
Format A5 (148x210)
Finishing Brochura c/ orelha
Colour Black & white
Paper type Offset 80g
Language English

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Ítalo Oliveira & Allan de Carvalho

O Autor é professor de inglês, funcionário público desde 2011. Tem especial interesse no grego, hebraico e latim bíblico. Sua paixão é escatologia, especialmente voltada para a interpretação de símbolos bíblicos.

Sua primeira obra se chamou O Terrivel Segundo maior poder do Universo”, esse livro deu início a série “Viagem com Hannah” com seis livros autopublicados e mais tarde a série “Igreja coroada” que conta com dois livros, todos voltados para o estudo teológico.

Em coautoria com Allan Carvalho ele publicou o livro "O caçador de fracassados", um livro de autoajuda.

No ano de 2020 publicou seu primeiro título no gênero ficção científico, escatológico chamado "Millennia a princesa guerreira das 149 colônias de Andrômeda".

É pastor presidente do Ministério IMPAR, onde tem pregado os conceitos apresentados na presente obra.

Sua narrativa em primeira pessoa, a partir das “lembranças” da personagem Hannah, faz com que as passagens bíblicas sobre a escatologia, ganhem um contorno muito particular, como já tendo ocorrido, e fazem o leitor “entrar” na narrativa, sem aqueles exercícios mentais próprios dos estudos escatológicos.

======= English ========

The Author is an english teacher, since 2011.

He has a special interest in Biblical Greek, Hebrew, and Latin.

His passion is theology, particularly the interpretation of biblical symbols.

His first book was "O Terrivel Segundo maior poder do Universo", in Portuguese, this book started the series "Viagem com Hannah" with six self-published books and later the series "Igreja coroada" that has 2 books, all centered on theological study.

In co-authorship with Allan Carvalho, he published a self-help book called "O caçador de fracassados". within the year 2020 he printed his initial title within the genre theologic SciFy called "Millennia a princess guerreira das 149 colonias de Andromeda".

He is the presiding pastor of IMPAR Ministries, wherever he has preached the concepts presented during this work.

Its first-person narrative, supported the Hannah character's "memories", makes the biblical passages concerning to theology gain a extremely explicit color, as it "has already happened" and make the reader "get in touch" with the narrative, Without those mental exercises tipical from eschatology studies.

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