Battle of Nájera, April 3rd, 1367

A Castilian French historical simulation

By André Geraque Kiffer

Book Code: 641032


History, Games, Social science

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Also known as the Battle of Navarrete, it was fought on April 3, 1367, near Nájera, in the province of La Rioja, in Castile. It was an episode of the First Castilian Civil War in which King Pedro I of Castile faced his half brother Count Enrique de Trastámara, who aspired to the throne. At the Battle of Nájera a good covering force was lacking to keep the Enrique’s army informed of enemy movements as it unfolded waiting for the Pedro’s army to approach its position along the main road between Navarrete and Nájera. But it instead marched behind some hills and emerged directly over the opponent's left flank. In the simulation of the battle of Nájera the center of gravity of both maneuvers (defensive and offensive) will be the Nájera Bridge over the Najerilla River. The French and Castilians will have the opportunity to force the English into a disadvantageous attack, as the Scots succeeded and won at the Battle of Stirling Bridge.


Number of pages 60
Edition 1 (2019)
Language English

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Contact the author

André Geraque Kiffer

Coronel do Exército.

Bacharel em Ciências Militares, pela Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras, Resende - RJ (1982).

Doutor em Ciências Militares, pós-graduação universitária stricto sensu, pela Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (1999-2000).

MBA Executivo, pós-graduação lato sensu, pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (2008).

Metodologia da Pesquisa em Ciências Militares, pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro - RJ (2009).

Bacharel em História pela Universidade Estácio (2019).

Casado com Leila Cristina de Paiva Kiffer, com quem tem dois filhos, Vitor de Paiva Kiffer e Eduardo de Paiva Kiffer.

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