On the Shoulders of João Guimarães Rosa 1965    By Elias do Amaral Viana - "O reacionário da língua"
Christianity is the greatest contribution to Cognition and Language. On the Shoulders of João Guimarães Rosa 1965 Elias do Amaral Viana “The Language Reactionary” Language is my metaphysic...
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topoanalysis and geographicity    By Jamescley Almeida de Souza
This is a book of great interest for all scholars of space in Literature and for all geographers who wish to see the geographical reality through literary texts. Anchored in the interdisciplinarity...
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The dialogue between Literature and Geography    By Jamescley Almeida de Souza
The book is aimed at all scholars of space in Literature and for all geographers who wish to see the geographical reality through literary texts. Anchored in the interdisciplinarity between Topoana...
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I Concurso de Crônicas - ALERP 2023    By Francisco de Assis Sousa & Josselmo Batista Neres
ANTOLOGIA - I Concurso de Crônicas da Academia de Letras da Região de Picos - ALERP 2023. O primeiro concurso de crônica da Academia de Letras da Região de Picos – ALERP, realizado entre março e...
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topoanalysis and geographicity    By Jamescley Almeida de Souza
This is a book of great interest for all scholars of space in Literature and for all geographers who wish to see the geographical reality through literary texts. Anchored in the interdisciplinarity...
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ARTE LITERATURA – Apesar do título em inglês, não há necessidade de saber inglês para ler o livro.
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"Peace and good settled Saint Francis of Assisi and there is a real UNIVERSAL PRAYER in those three words" Peace and good
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