How To Make A Living On Skype

A Guide to Making Money Online

By Irineu De Oliveira Jr

Book Code: 131251


Business & economics, Linguística, Literary collections

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Irineu makes his living teaching, and most of it, is on Skype.

He says:

"I know only too well the difficulties one can face in life. Social mobility is extremely rare, and sometimes it can be your own government who won’t allow you to leave the poverty you face every day.

I am writing to help you whatever your circumstances might be.

If you live in a country where there are few opportunities, this book will be a light in the dark for you.

Choose for yourself how you live your life!

From the moment I decided to sell my knowledge to earn a living, I’ve never looked back. I urge you to have the confidence to do the same.

In the past, who could have imagined that we would get to the stage where we are now, with literally hundreds of millions of people working from their own home and enjoying life, without rush and the stress of the unnatural office environment.

I’m one of them.

I’m going to share my own experiences. My aim is to give you a good insight; a map if you will which will show you what is available for you.

Your financial freedom is not in a daydream and it’s not based on luck. It’s in this book."


ISBN 978-1477425473
Number of pages 74
Edition 1 (2012)
Format A5 (148x210)
Finishing Brochura c/ orelha
Colour Black & white
Paper type Offset 80g
Language Portuguese

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Contact the author

Irineu De Oliveira Jr

“O Irineu é um expert em linguística. Natural do Brasil, vive e trabalha no Reino Unido há vários anos. Ele já ensinou em instituições de ensino de prestígio em São Paulo, Londres, Glasgow e em outras partes do Reino Unido. Tem mais de 10 anos de experiência no ensino de idiomas e fala várias línguas, incluindo português, inglês, espanhol, italiano e francês. O Irineu tem obras publicadas em inglês, português ,espanhol, francês, alemão, romeno, chinês, japonês, galego, catalão, latim, italiano e turco.

Atualmente ensina idiomas na Universidade de Strath Clyde na Escócia. Ele também ensina online via Skype para alunos em muitos países diferentes.

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