More than ever before, advances in the fields of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have substantially affected most segments of our individual life in today’s world. Manifested in v...
Print version AU$ 44. 01
Business Law, Tax Law, Science and Political Rights    By Paulo Byron Oliveira Soares Neto
This third volume of the collection features a variety of scientific articles published in journals, dealing with the Brazilian law. In turn, through an irresistible invitation of Philip Serafim M...
Print version AU$ 17. 03 | EBook Version AU$ 3. 68
A political and journalistic analysis of the fall of socialism in Russia and Eastern Europe. Study originally carried out in 2006. Celio Azevedo is a well-known in Portuguese countries political sp...
Print version AU$ 45. 29 | EBook Version AU$ 7. 61
This story is told from the perspective of a Scout, accustomed to kindness and caring for others, and ended up involved in a great and macabre plot, which he now reports. This book is dedicated ...
EBook Version AU$ 11. 97
Questions about the 9/11 attacks in the United States. The influence of the American/NATO world is truly imperialistic and deserves to be treated as such. It's economy has always been focused o...
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Concetti, Fondamenti e Applicazioni    By Enrico Guardelli
Città intelligenti, Città intelligenti, Internet delle cose, IoT, Sostenibilità urbana, Tecnologia urbana, Governance digitale, Mobilità urbana, Trasporti intelligenti, Infrastrutture intelligenti,...
Print version AU$ 38. 06 | EBook Version AU$ 10. 51
Print version AU$ 1, 080. 42
Travel to on Next Future    By Edson Schenkel
“An Idealized Society: Travel to on Next Future” is a work that transports us to an intriguing and thought-provoking setting. In this alternative society, there is no money or individual ownership....
Print version AU$ 82. 65 | EBook Version AU$ 32. 32
"The guide of the post-cataclysmic Catholic" elaborates on a philosophy of history, taking into account the Catholic Church and its current role or lack thereof in the public arena. It delves into ...
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This essay first appeared appeared in The New York Times and The Washington Post on Sept 19, 1995. It was published under the pseudonym FC, for Freedom Club.
Print version AU$ 19. 85 | EBook Version AU$ 6. 15
The world is a big, complex place, and it takes strong, visionary people to lead it. Those people are the presidents, and they have the power to change the world for better or worse. This book tell...
EBook Version AU$ 14. 87
from the left-wing to the far-right    By Bernardo de Cerqueira Fernandes
Despite notable development in the realm of masculinities since the last decades of the 20th century, with significant growth in literature, studies of the category “men” are still facing some resi...
Print version AU$ 36. 77
That's an excellent question! Each ending presents a unique narrative and a different perspective on the events of the "Corruption Implosion" series. It is up to readers and viewers to reflect o...
Print version AU$ 36. 77 | EBook Version AU$ 4. 70
The autobiographical personal memoir of an Argentine child political prisoner, illegally adopted by the Jorge Rafael Videla military dictatorship to a foreign intelligence officer, as many children...
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Comparative analysis of Bolsonarism with the totalitarianisms of the 20th century    By Raul G. M. Silva
The Construction of the Enemy is a book that aims to make a comparative analysis between Bolsonarism and the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century, such as Nazism and Fascism. To do so, differen...
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Love or Hate    By Jonatan do Vale
Delve into the intricate world of modern warfare with this thought-provoking and comprehensive ebook, "Modern Wars: Understanding the Complexities and Building Paths to Peace." Drawing on a multidi...
EBook Version AU$ 7. 31
A Comprehensive Guide    By Panorama Produtos
In today's fast-paced world, success is not solely determined by intellectual prowess. Emotional intelligence (EI) plays a crucial role in personal and professional development. This eBook aims to ...
EBook Version AU$ 7. 60
Collection Philosophers of our time    By CLEBERSON EDUARDO DA COSTA
If, as I said Sartre, existential philosopher-humanist of the 20th century, "man is a project that exists only to the extent that the performs", for the meritocratic existentialism, in a reversal o...
Print version AU$ 16. 43
Covid19 The Day The Earth Stood Still ... !!!    By Elias do Amaral Viana
Covid19 The Day The Earth Stood Still ... !!! Since 2007, he already had a Scientific Article Alerting against Covid19. Joshua 10:13 and 14 The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and for ...
Print version AU$ 16. 43 | EBook Version AU$ 6. 69
fer    By fer
Print version AU$ 21. 94 | EBook Version AU$ 9. 93
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